
Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 on RHEL8

이강우 2020/10/19 10:32

Redhat Enterprise Linux 8 버전에 Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 을 설치하는 방법을 설명한다.

RHEL8 구성

RHEL8은 Server with GUI 모드에 Legacy UNIX Compatibility, Development Tools 를 추가하여 설치한다.

Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 설치

추가로 필요한 패키지를 아래 명령어를 통해 설치한다.
32비트 라이브러리도 필요하기때문에 같이 설치해야 한다.

[root@myserver ~]# yum -y install elfutils-libelf-devel libXScrnSaver gcc-toolset-9-elfutils-libelf-devel libstdc++ libstdc++-devel libstdc++.i686 libstdc++-devel.i686 gcc-toolset-9-libstdc++-devel gcc-toolset-9-libstdc++-devel.i686 glibc glibc.i686 glibc-devel glibc-devel.i686 libgcc libgcc.i686
[root@myserver parallel_studio_xe_2020_update2_cluster_edition]# ./install.sh

Initializing, please wait...

Welcome to the Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 2 Cluster Edition Linux*

You will complete the following steps:
   1.  Welcome
   2.  End User License Agreement
   3.  Intel® Software Improvement Program
   4.  License Activation
   5.  Configuration
   6.  Installation
   7.  Installation Complete

............ 생략

Each component will be installed individually. If you cancel the installation,
some components might remain on your system. This installation may take several 
minutes, depending on your system and the options you selected.
Installing Intel Trace Collector for Intel(R) 64 Architecture component... done
Installing Intel Trace Analyzer for Intel(R) 64 Architecture component... done
Installing Cluster Checker component...^[[1~ done
Installing Platform Profiler component... done
Installing Command line interface component... done
Installing Sampling Driver kit component... done
Installing Graphical user interface component... done
Installing Graphical user interface component... done
Installing Command line interface component... done
Installing Flow Graph Analyzer component... done
Installing Command line interface component... done
Installing Graphical user interface component... done
Installing Intel TBB for Intel(R) 64 component... done
Installing Intel C++ Compiler for Intel(R) 64 component... done
Installing Intel TBB for IA-32 component... done
Installing Intel C++ Compiler for IA-32 component... done
Installing Intel Fortran Compiler for Intel(R) 64 component... done
Installing Intel Fortran Compiler for IA-32 component... done
Installing Intel MKL core libraries for C/C++ for Intel(R) 64 component... done
Installing GNU* C/C++ compiler support for Intel(R) 64 component... done
Installing Intel MKL core libraries for C/C++ for IA-32 component... done
Installing GNU* C/C++ compiler support for IA-32 component... done
Installing PGI* C/C++ compiler support for Intel(R) 64 component... done
Installing Intel TBB threading support for Intel(R) 64 component... done
Installing Intel TBB threading support for IA-32 component... done
Installing Cluster support for C/C++ component... done
Installing Intel MKL core libraries for Fortran for Intel(R) 64 component... done
Installing Fortran 95 interfaces for BLAS and LAPACK for Intel(R) 64
component... done
Installing Intel MKL core libraries for Fortran for IA-32 component... done
Installing Fortran 95 interfaces for BLAS and LAPACK for IA-32 component... done
Installing GNU* Fortran compiler support for IA-32 component... done
Installing GNU* Fortran compiler support for Intel(R) 64 component... done
Installing Cluster support for Fortran component... done
Installing Intel IPP single-threaded libraries for Intel(R) 64: General package 
component... done
Installing Intel IPP multi-threaded libraries for Intel(R) 64 component... done
Installing Intel IPP single-threaded libraries for IA-32: General package
component... done
Installing Intel IPP multi-threaded libraries for IA-32 component... done
Installing Intel DAAL for Intel(R) 64 component... done
Installing Intel DAAL for IA-32 component... done
Installing Intel MPI Library for applications running on Intel(R) 64
Architecture component... done
Installing Intel MPI Benchmarks component... done
Installing Python sources component... done
Installing Source of GNU* GDB 8.3 component... done
Installing GNU* GDB 8.3 on Intel(R) 64 component... done
Installing Intel(R) Distribution for Python* 3 for Linux* component... done
Finalizing product configuration...
Installing Application Performance Snapshot... done
Preparing driver configuration scripts... done

Installation Complete
Thank you for installing Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 2 Cluster
Edition Linux*.

If you have not done so already, please register your product with Intel
Registration Center to create your support account and take full advantage of
your product purchase.

Your support account gives you access to free product updates and upgrades
as well as Priority Customer support at the Online Service Center

Press "Enter" key to quit: 
[root@myserver parallel_studio_xe_2020_update2_cluster_edition]#

이렇게 하면 설치가 완료된다.
설치 경로는 기본값으로 /opt/intel/ 아래에 설치된다.

이후 사용하기 위해서는 환경변수를 추가로 설정해줘야 한다.

사용 환경변수 설정

export PATH="$PATH:/opt/intel/inspector_2020/bin64"

source /opt/intel/inspector_2020/inspxe-vars.sh
source /opt/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2020/psxevars.sh
